Thursday, 9 July 2015

Annotating Evidence of Practise of Teacher Standards

The BOSTES Teacher Accreditation web-page found at

clarifies how to annotate evidence of teaching practise to demonstrate understanding and practise of Proficient Teacher Standards. 

The key points:
  • Annotated evidence needed for the seven standards and a range of standard descriptors within each standard, but not necessarily all standard descriptors
  • Annotations should explain how and why the evidence demonstates achievement of the standard descriptor
  • Annotation should demonstrate impact on student learning

From my own experience

Keeping a record of my evidence matched to standards and organising this as a table of contents has helped me to see at a glance where I am up to and what else I need to do

Monday, 6 July 2015

Why read this blog about teacher accreditation?

Dear Reader,

This blog records thoughts, reflections, helpful suggestions and resources to assist teachers seeking accreditation as a Proficient Teacher in NSW 2015.

My goal in writing this blog is to make the process of accreditation not only easier but also more meaningful as a process to develop as professionals.  

If there is anything that you would like to share, please post a comment.

Kind regards,
Lisa Ma.